"The Christian Flag"
The Christian flag is one of the oldest unchanged flags in the world. It was conceived on a Sunday, September 26, 1897 at Brighton Chapel, Coney Island, New York by Charles C. Overton, the Sunday School Superintendent.
It is different from every other flag and exists for all the world's people. It cannot be restricted or controlled by any nation or denomination.
The colors are white with a blue canton and a red cross.

By Fanny Crosby, 1903
The Christian Flag! behold it,
And hail it with a song,
And let the voice of millions
The joyful strain prolong,
To every clime and nation,
We send it forth today;
God speed its glorious mission,
With earnest hearts we pray.
Refrain The Christian Flag! behold it,
And hail it with a song,
And let the voice of millions
The joyful strain prolong.
The Christian Flag! unfurl it,
That all the world may see
The bloodstained cross of Jesus,
Who died to make us free.
The Christian Flag! unfurl it,
And oer and oer again,
Oh! may it bear the message,
Good will and peace to men.
Refrain The Christian Flag! God bless it!
Now throw it to the breeze,
And may it wave triumphant
Oer land and distant seas,
Till all the wide creation
Upon its folds shall gaze,
And all the world united,
Our loving Savior praise.
The Pledge
Written in 1908 by Dr. Lynn Harold Hough
"I pledge allegiance
To the Christian Flag
And to the Saviour, For whose Kingdom it stands.
One Saviour, crucified,
risen and coming again
With life and liberty
for all who believe."
Pledge To The Bible
"I Pledge Allegiance to the Bible, God's Holy Word, I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path and will hide its words in my heart that I might not sin against God."
The Christian Flag